Category: Hogan
Jackson emails Santa
Date: Sun, 14 Dec 2012 15:37:36 -0500 To: From: Jackson Moore <> Subject: Whistleblower Protection ————————————————- Hi Santa, Sorry to email at what must be a particularly busy time of year for you and the tiny northern Foxconn elves, but I feel the need to bring certain developments to your attention in order to…
Hogan no longer even fakes it
Hogan has never thought much of the idea of him being a canine. He uses pillows like a human, he stretches like a cat, and should he find himself at a dog park, he goes over and stands by the chain link fence with the other owners. He’d smoke if he could… probably menthols. One…
Abby’s Book Reviews: Katurpiller Glutton Dies!
Mom reads me books over and over and over again. I like hearing the same book read to me, because I often fall asleep and miss parts. Depending upon how full my belly is, it can take me several nights to get through a whole story. One book Mom reads is about a katurpiller. I’ve…
Photo shoot fight…
Until very recently we’ve only had one model for all of our photo shoots, and his name is Hogan. Now that Abigail has arrived, Hogan has been grudgingly gracious when it comes to sharing camera time, but we were bound to have an incident eventually. On Saturday, we took Hogan down to the little league…
I sing a song of dirty diapers
I cornered, captured, and consumed my first delicious diaper today. Emily, foolish wench, was so jealous that she hysterically screamed obscenities and rudely attempted to snatch away my fairly found diaper. Her regrettable actions forced me to eat it too fast and I have made a mental note to bite her later. Although my contraband…