Tag: Halloween

  • Halloween Baby Kumite!

    High in the carpet-covered hills of Peabody, two furry, fictional characters locked in mortal (if infantile!) combat. Bulbous yet agile, Maximus “Master Arachnawalrus” seized with two of his eight legs a plastic platform of immense size and hurled it at the relentless tigress! Sabertoothed Abbysaurus dodged with cat-like reflexes and struck with a fury that…

  • Abby Beta Tests Halloween Outfit!

    In a move surely designed to antagonize Hogan, Abby “chose” to be a tiger for Halloween. More troubling, Abby then “decided” to try on her furry outfit and to parade in front of the Rhodesian Ridgeback as he dozed on his leather lounger. Hogan did not, however, leap off the couch and try to corner…