Abigail Care made easy!

I love to visit my Great Aunts, Great Uncles, Grandparents, close family friends, and kindly strangers, since my parents often abandon me with little or no warning. Many of you may wonder, “isn’t it extremely difficult to care for Abigail?” Nahh… it’s a piece of cake for a baby as easy-going as I am!

What does my daily schedule look like? Here is a VERY rough idea:

  • 7:00am – 6 ounce bottle!
  • 8:00 or 9:00am – nap… whether I want it or not! I usually scream for 10 minutes, and then sleep for an hour or an hour and a half.
  • 9:30ish or when I wake up – solid feeding.
  • 11:30ish – 6 ounce bottle!
  • 1:00ish – solid feeding.
  • 2:30 or 3:30pm – another nap for an hour or so.
  • 4:00pm – 6 ounce bottle!
  • 6:30 or 7:00pm – my last 6 ounce bottle!

How do you make my bottle? No sweat. Really, don’t put sweat in my bottle. Put six ounces of warm water in a bottle, add three scoops of Enfamil premium formula (level scoops… no packing!), and shake it up!

I hate naps and I will scream when you put me down for one. That’s ok as I’m just developing my lungs. Let me shriek until I nod off (usually 5 to 15 minutes of me swearing at you in baby will tire me out the last little bit and I’ll fall asleep!)

Please change my diapers every couple of hours or when I smell like poo. And don’t take any pictures of me just wearing a diaper, or you will pay a stiff, violent price for your insolence!