
Oh the humanity!

Let the record show that between the minutes of 11:37AM and 11:46AM on December 27, Abigail slaved to produce out of newly fallen snow an 18 inch replica of a snowman. Abigail named her magical new Arctic friend “No Mun.”

Between 3:57PM and 4:02PM on December 27, all available evidence suggests that Joanie unceremoniously* kicked “No Mun” over in a frantic attempt to enter 5 Linden. As “No Mun” toppled, fracturing into his three major spheres, Joanie was heard by Nancy to say, “gahhh… I just got snow on the top of my Uggs!,” after which she proceeded to stomp “No Mun’s” little snowman face to an unrecognizable white powder.

*When asked about the incident, Jim insisted that there was “absolutely no ceremony in the manner of that kick. I’ve never seen a snowman go down so quickly, so violently, so unceremoniously.”